Hochschule Kempten uses Bike Labyrinth with students

Kempten University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Kempten) has been working with a Bike Labyrinth and a THERA-Trainer Tigo 566 since last summer. The Bavarian Center for Digital Care (BZPD) supports, designs and evaluates innovative digital technologies that help reduce the burden on healthcare providers in the private home. Bike Labyrinth is one of the innovations that they use for research. Our Account Manager, Adam Robertson, asked some questions about their experience.

Virtual cycling with Bike Labyrinth

Have you had positive experiences with the Bike Labyrinth in recent months?

“It’s been positive! BZPD colleagues now offer meetings with senior representatives or representatives of welfare organizations as well as municipal representatives to exchange information about the focal points and activities of the BZPD. Explicit time is scheduled for the visit to conduct an experimentation round with a test protocol (Plan-Do-Check-Learn) of the technical devices in the showroom.

We also regularly bring Bike Labyrinth to the contact points or even to the Altstadthaus, where it is very well received.”

What do people like about Bike Labyrinth?

“The praise lies in the simplicity of operation and the activating joy of movement. Cycling is fun and you don't even realize that you're training your body. I would like to do this daily."

And what about the students, how do they like the virtual cycling system?

“The 40 students from the nursing school in Augsburg found Bike Labyrinth to be great and actually wanted to take it with them. They wish that it is standard in every facility and would even use it there. The simplicity and great quality were also praised.”

Fortunately, the Bavarian Center for Digital Care in Germany is enjoying their Bike Labyrinth. Want to try Bike Labyrinth in your healthcare institution? You can! For one week you can try it at your location.

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